
Spontaneous Trip to the PLAYA. Finally.
It`s not really season yet, what brings the advantage, that the beaches were almost empty, at least the parts of it, we went to. The disadvantage: I got a cold, like I did´nt have for ages. Sneezing, nose runnig and a head that feels twice in size.
But it was sooo worth it.
We (that is me and 4 american classmates) arrived in Pinamar busstation 6:30 Saturday morning - from there we went straight to the beach. Beautiful blue sky, 7:00 a run along the beach, to get hot enough to get into the cold water, then breakfast, and another nap on the beach till noon.
That´s what life is supposed to be!
The guyz found a really nice apartment for 3 people with kitchen bathroom and everything, were all 5 of us slept.
La direccion? "Natal" - Bueno, Natal y que? "Natal y la playa!" :D
That is, we were living 50 meters from the beach in Valeria del mar.
The first evening was foggy, and the second morning rainy, but we started off to the dunes, and by the time we got there the sun was out again. Another beach afternoon, and at night: bonfire, pomme-packs and starstaring under the ful moon.
Ok, I ll stop right here.

Big big kiss!

Check out the rest of the pics here.


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